The following is a weekly update that I send via email to our entire church community…
Center City family…
We are in a really unique season of growth and health right now in our church family. We saw five people respond to the love of Christ last week alone and have met so many new people in the past two weeks. I am grateful for this season and I know that God is doing powerful things in people’s lives as they dig in deeper in their faith.
I was with a friend of ours this past week, Pastor Mark Batterson, in Washington DC and he said something that resonated so deeply in my heart. “When things are going well, it’s important to remember where those blessings come from. I always life by this slogan: STAY HUNGRY & STAY HUMBLE.” We are hungry to see many come to know Jesus in our city. But we always have to remember where the source of all joy and goodness comes from. When we recognize that it’s not our own ability or talent that brings health, it breeds humility. And humility is a beautiful thing when combined with the dedication and hunger to keep pressing forward.
I pray that you have an amazing week and ask you to consider how that phrase can be applied to your life. Stay hungry and stay humble. What does it mean to you?
I love you guys and can’t wait to get to week three of “It’s Complicated” – our series on relationships. I’m teaching this week on how the power and presence of the Holy Spirit is directly related to the health of our relationships. I believe it’s going to be a really powerful teaching based on Paul’s instruction Ephesians 5. Read it ahead of time and come in hungry to learn!
Pastor David
Visit our calendar for more information about our events.
COMMUNITY DINNER | Sunday September 23 | 6pm
Our potluck-style picnics at Independence Park (Pavilion #1) are an opportunity to connect as a church family and invite friends from our community.
INTRO TO CENTER CITY | Sunday September 30 | 1pm
Learn about the history, vision, theology and practical next steps to get involved at Center City Church while enjoying lunch at Kickstand. If you are new to our community, this is the perfect way to get to know our leadership and see our heart for living out the Gospel in our city.
IT’S COMPLICATED: A Series On Relationships | Sundays September 9 – 30
Life is full of complicated relationships, none more than the complexity of friendship, dating, marriage and intimacy. This is a opportunity to invite a friend and gain sound, biblical perspective on these practical topics that we all encounter.
IT’S COMPLICATED Discussion Group | Wedesdays September 12 – Ocotober 3 | 7pm
Our fall reading series kicks off with Timothy Keller’s book, The Meaning of Marriage led by Pastors David and Joseph. Email Pastor Joseph for directions.
PRAYER IN UPTOWN | Saturday October 6 | 8am
Join us for a prayer walk around Uptown Charlotte. Meet at 7th Street Public Market. Validated parking is available in the garage.
YOUNG LIFE MUD RUN | Saturday October 6 | 9am
Join the fun for this fundraiser that benefits Young Life, a high school campus ministry. You can register individually or in groups of four. If you prefer not to run, you can a register to volunteer. Email [email protected] for more information or sign up at the Welcome Table.
SERVICE DAY | Saturday October 13 | 9am
Come lend a hand at Charlotte Family Housing’s Plaza Place. We will be washing their vans, landscaping, and playing flag football with the kids. This is a great way to invest in an amazing organization and meet new friends. Email [email protected] for more information.
BAPTISM | Sunday October 21
If you have committed your heart to Christ and are yet to be baptized, our baptism celebration is an incredible opportunity to show an outward expression of your inward faith. For more information, email Pastor Joseph.
Spend an evenening with families at Charlotte Family Housing.
MORNING PSALMS AND PRAYER | Thursdays | 6:30am
Start our day with scripture and prayer.
Join us for a time of prayer for our church, community, and city.