Today was by far the most smooth service that we’ve had since we launched 8 weeks ago. This is the first time that we’ve gotten everything set up in the movie theater and ready to roll in under an hour.
We had a ton of new faces today. It’s so great to see the message of Hope spreading around our community. God is doing so much right now.
I got to speak today on something that God has been speaking to me in a very personal way. We are in a series called “Provision” and my message was titled “More Than Money”. God dropped this in my heart a couple of weeks ago when I was reading the story of the crippled beggar in Acts 3.
I remember sitting in my bedroom when I felt God speak to me: It’s not about money, it’s about PROVISION. Money is fleeting. Provision is lasting.
I had a lot of fun recounting some really fun memories from when I was a kid growing up at Tri-City Assembly of God in Canton, MI. We used to sing an old song called “Jehovah Jireh”. I told the crowd today that it was a nice mix of 80’s big hair and the musical feel of being at a bar mitzvah. I never understood how powerful that song was, though. I did a word study on “Jehovah Jireh” and found something that I will never forget.
Jehovah Jireh is commonly translated as “God who provides.” Another way that this can be translated is “God who sees.” I love that. The reason that God can provide so well for us is because he sees each and every circumstance of our lives.
I will upload the video and audio podcast tomorrow. I’ll post a link for those of you that might want to watch or listen this week.
All in all it was a great day today at Hope. God is doing so much in the lives of the people. There is such a pure and raw hunger. I love what I do.