10 days away from our August paycheck. Over $2,000 short in our account. Another amazing scenario to bring God all the glory when he provides.

Sometimes this journey of raising our salary each month reminds me of walking on water. It’s totally crazy to think that we have gone unpaid for the past 15 months. It’s totally crazy for Peter to have stepped out of the boat and walked toward Jesus on the water (found in Matthew 14:22-36). I find such resonance in that story. When Peter fixed his eyes upon Christ, the miraculous happened – he walked on water. When he took his eyes off of Christ and focused on the wind and waves crashing around him, he sank into the water. My reminder? Keep my eyes fixed on Christ.

I have a wife and four kids. Food and diapers to buy (and the occasional Pez dispenser for the kids). One car payment. Rent. Bills, etc. We have committed to living as frugal as possible so that we can do all that God has called us to do. God has proven himself absolutely faithful.

We have learned to trust God in a way that only comes out of complete dependence. And we are better because of this journey. If you pray, please pray for us. Also, if you want to be a part of this story by becoming a shareholder in this dream, click here. God is faithful. Absolutely.