Center City Church opened to the community on April 4, 2010. We’ve seen some amazing things since that day. People coming to know Jesus as their personal savior and friend. Lives transformed by the message of the Gospel. Unusual obedience to the call of the lord. Radical generosity across our community. It’s been an amazing ride.
We have felt the next shift in the past couple of months, and it’s a shift outward. We have always had a desire to love and serve our community and beyond. But there is something different, something unique about this season. There’s a group of people that have decided that the time is now to be wholeheartedly obedient to the call to love and serve those that are less fortunate. Orphans. Widows. The poor & vulnerable.
I have no clue what God will do in the next six months in our church. But I must say – I’ve never been more intrigued. The time is now to love Jesus with all of our hearts, serve him faithfully and respond to his call to reach out our hand and show the practical love of Jesus.