The night before the release of my first book, Neighborliness: Finding the Beauty of God Across Dividing Lines, I want to introduce you to the team behind the message at the Fedd Agency. (From left to right in the pic above)
My agent, Esther Fedorkevich, has been a friend for over twenty years. She always believed in me and this message, but she also courageously told me I wasn’t ready a few years ago when we first talked about working together. She told me to patiently wait for the message to form in my heart first. She told me she would be there when I was ready. This book is the fruit of that wisdom. Esther, thank you for believing in and advocating for this message.
My main editor, Tori, is strong and courageous. She read my first proposal before we had ever met. During that first conversation, she said that I had some great thoughts but she could tell that we hadn’t scratched the surface yet on what the message could become. Over the last year, Tori and I have worked on countless iterations of what this book could be, and each time it got stronger. I was always nervous to work with an editor because I thought I would lose my voice. Far from that, Tori taught me how to find my voice. I cannot overstate this… Neighborliness would not be a fraction of it’s current form without your brilliance, Tori. I am forever grateful that you came along to partner with me to get this message into the world. We did this together.
Allison was the editor that read the final version that Tori and I wrote. She looked at it with fresh eyes and made some key suggestions and changes to help us deliver the message more clearly and concisely. She is also the creative genius behind the cover design and interior design of the book. Thank you, Allison, for believing in this message and pouring yourself into it. I am so grateful for you.
I genuinely believe that the team at the Fedd Agency (including Danielle, Kyle, Ginny, and Matthew) is full of a bunch of geniuses that love Jesus and share his love with others by using their God-given gifts.
I don’t know what this book will me to the world, but I want you all to know that you mean the world to me. My heart is full of gratitude and my spirt is alive with hope.
Neighborliness is here and it would have never gotten here without you.
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