We are in the middle of a series called “Bliss” at Hope. We’re talking about joy during the holidays. Today’s message was on the joy of worship. We also got to experience the joy of technology today. In the middle of the service, Ginny Peterson text messaged me 4 times about something God has put on her heart that she wanted to share.

I was able to then head up front as we were closing service, nudge Mike and then invite Ginny to come and talk to the crowd. It’s so funny how we can use technology for so many things. This was definitely a first. Ginny shared a really powerful story about an incredible healing that she saw first hand on a trip to Uganda. You can read about it here if you’d like.

God is doing awesome things at Hope. This is the most rewarding thing that I have been a part of in my entire life. I love what I do. I love the people God has brought into our world. I love Hope.