We have had a steady stream of out-of-state visitors for the past month that have come to Charlotte to check out what we are doing during the beginning stages of Center City Church. God is bringing a group of people with a common vision, but a broad range of gifts and talents. Our group of 20+ people include singers, musicians, graphic artists, administrators, leaders and just genuinely nice and loving people. Dara and I are so humbled to see the team that God is sending to Charlotte.
I remember praying several months ago when I realized the plan and direction for Center City. We were not supposed to focus on trying to “blow up” at the beginning, but slowly, methodically and intentionally share our vision with the people God brings along our path. I felt God’s promise that he would bring the right team and we would grow at whatever pace He intended. We weren’t supposed to focus on growing. We were supposed to focus on the people.
The foundation of Center City is being laid right now. I am praying that it will be a strong foundation that will be able to support a broad and lasting ministry. I am so grateful for our team.
It’s growing slowly but surely.