I never thought the day would come that David Docusen would write this line, but here goes:
I miss my routines.
I used to live by the spur of the moment. Spontenaity was my preferred way of life. Now I am irritated because I don’t have a clue where my razor is located. Our house is all out of sorts. To make it worse, I couldn’t find the cinnamon sugar this weekend for my specialty pancakes. Don’t mess with my pancakes.
I guess the progression of life, family and ministry has simply shown me that order, planning and sticking close to a calendar helps me to keep everything balanced in my life. I am keenly aware of this tonight as I am blogging from my iPhone because we have no internet.
All will come in time. But I’m at the point of life that I am genuinely grateful for order and routines. Looking forward to getting back on track soon.
Here’s what my life looks like when I’m in my routine:
Mondays – Family day
Tues / Thurs – Meeting days with people in our church and community.
Weds / Fri – Study days for the honor of teaching and leading Center City Church
Saturdays – Family day
Sundays – Center City Church