Yesterday marked our one year anniversary of our final day on pastoral staff at Calvary in Orlando, FL. This was an amazing season of life for Dara and I. We got married during our time there, had three of our four children there, worked with teenagers and college students that changed our lives forever. We were a part of a staff of pastors that genuinely loved each other and believed in each other. Some of my best friends and closest relationships came from our 7 years at Calvary.

I can look back and see that God used this season of life to build a rock solid foundation for what we have done this past year. It has been one year + one day since we worked our last day for a guaranteed paycheck. The last 366 days have been an amazing walk of faith that we learned through so many experiences in Orlando.

I am so grateful that God prepared us before sending us out. We learned to surround ourselves with amazing people. We learned to open up our world to let others come in close. We learned to walk by faith. We learned to chase our dreams. All of these experiences are what we stand upon one year + one day later.

I am so blessed to be able to say that 366 days later, we’re still going. Thank God for our 7+ years at Calvary!