This is a copy of an email I sent today to everyone that we have in our email database at Center City Church. If you did not receive this email (and you would like to receive stuff like this in the future) shoot me your email address: [email protected].
For those that didn’t get it…here you go:
Center City family…
I have had you on my heart lately. Not a strange admission considering I’m a pastor, but something is different. Something is deeper. I am sensing a new season upon us as a church family.
I am excited about what I see coming. God is taking what he has done since our church started two years ago and He is preparing us to fully engage the community around us. This is where you come in: I want to hear your ideas.
When you look around our community, what do you see? Where can we best serve our neighbors and show them the practical love of Jesus? Who can you invite to Center City that is exploring matters of faith?
My prayer is that we will be a church family that intentionally turns our attention outward in response to the inward work of Jesus in our lives. Our vision is simple: Center City Church exists to honor God and make disciples at home and across the world. It starts with our relationship with Jesus and then goes outward. Let’s do this together.
If it’s been a while since we’ve seen you, I would love to extend an invitation for you to join us again this week. We are a part of the beginning of something much bigger than ourselves. And you play a major part in this story.
Have a great week & I hope to see you on Sunday!
David Docusen
Lead Pastor
Center City Church