Our first core team gathering on Saturday night at our home was amazing! We grilled out, chatted with each other, spent time connecting and then headed down to our basement for our first meeting.
I shared the back story of where Dara and I have been and how we came to this point of planting Center City Church. We were so encouraged to see such a phenomenal group of people gathered together in our home with a common vision and purpose.
I looked at Dara at one point during the evening and said to her, “This just feels so much like ‘us’.” She knew exactly what I meant. We are not trying to push toward a big grand opening right now. We are not trying to gather a huge crowd. We are intentionally taking time to communicate “who we are” and “why we are” to our team.
The group that God has gathered is absolutely phenomenal. Super talented. Super creative. But we don’t want Center City to be KNOWN for talent and creativity. We want to be known as a church rooted in the Gospel. We want to have the symptoms of genuine Christ followers. Love. Care. Compassion. Friendship. Depth. Generosity, etc.
We’ll add creativity as time passes. There will come a day that we creatively present ourselves to the Uptown community, but this is a season of DNA formation. If we start right and start pure, we believe that our DNA will shine through all of our creativity and communicate the core of who we are at Center City. It may go slower and take longer, but we believe the reward of patience and deliberate investment will be worth the wait.