I tried something new this month.
Last month I spent the better part of two weeks absolutely freaking out. I was stressed because I had no idea where our paycheck was going to come from and I tried everything I could think of to provide for my family. During the last week of the month, God provided our full paycheck through multiple people who gave. I learned a lesson: God is our provider. Not me. That hits on every piece of “man pride” that I have. But it also is an amazing realization.
This month I decided to take God at his Word. The Bible says that He will always provide. I decided to put my head down, work hard at Hope and Caribou. I decided to enjoy my family time. I decided to do everything I could in my power to continue to raise support. Beyond that, I decided that freaking out did nothing except stress me out. I am happy to say that we just received another unexpected gift today that has brought us within striking distance of our full paycheck. I was overwhelmed today when Mike told me that two more checks came in the mail. I thought to myself, “this trusting God thing really works.”
I am not sure why am so surprised every time it happens. I am finding out in a very real way that God really means it when he says that he will always provide. I am continually amazed by my God who loves us enough to take care of every need. I am amazed that people continue to give to support our vision during an incredibly tough financial season.
This is the most exciting, terrifying, rewarding, challenging, incredible and powerful thing we’ve ever done. I love every minute.