The story of Abram & Sarai in Genesis 11 is set up by a small statement in the middle of a particularly unfascinating description of a family lineage. But tucked away is a statement about one of the most prominent couples in Scripture: Abram & Sarai.

This is what the Word says about Sarai: But Sarai was unable to become pregnant and had no children. (Genesis 11:30 NLT)

I haven’t gotten to this part of the story yet in my one year Bible reading plan, but I will go ahead and spoil it for you: Sarai not only ended up having a child, but she literally became the mother of an entire nation. God had a plan for her that was impossible to accomplish in the natural. She was barren. Unable to get pregnant. But God’s plan was much greater.

So here is my thought for the day: it doesn’t matter what the doctors say. Now…don’t stop your treatments because of this blog or throw away your medicine. All I am saying is that if God has put a promise in your heart, there is no human diagnosis that can stand in the way of it being accomplished. There are no negative words spoken over you that have power to hold back the plans of God.

Place your trust in Jesus. Allow him to determine your steps. And you never know, the barren woman may just become the mother of an entire nation.