To my friends in the Uptown Charlotte community:

Maybe you have heard of what we are doing from a friend, worked alongside us at a community service project, read this blog from a distance, listened to our podcast or simply came across our website via Google. However you found us, I want you to know that you are loved. And you are always welcome at Center City Church.

We started our church almost six months ago on Easter Sunday (April 4, 2010). Seeing that we are a new church, it’s important to note that we don’t have a lot of “stuff.” We don’t even have programs at our church. This may be the very thing that has kept you from checking out what we are doing. But I wanted to give you a glimpse at what we do offer.

For the past six months, we have spent every week talking about Jesus. About how he changed our lives and continues to change lives. We have a loving and inviting atmosphere that will assuredly warm your heart as you come through the doors. Our kids ministry is run by leaders that love kids, creatively engage their imagination and teach them about Jesus. Our worship time – although we have yet to use a full band – is beautiful and gives all attention to our Savior. The time of teaching is simply the Gospel message laid before each person with the challenge each week to make practical application to our lives.

We are very much in the beginning stages of building this church. But don’t let that keep you away. I am convinced that the beginning stages of a building are absolutely the most important. The Apostle Paul makes mention of this in 1 Corinthians 3:10. We will not be swayed by the pressures to go any faster than God desires. We will enjoy the early days of this church and patiently allow natural growth to occur. I would love for you to be a part of the community that is forming at Center City Church.

Each week we get stronger through the teaching of God’s Word. Every community dinner that we host (the next one is October 10th at 6pm), new friendships are birthed and current friendships deepen. The countless meetings happening at coffee shops across town are galvanizing this foundation of love and community.

I wanted to write this letter to you because I love you. I pray for you even though I may have never met you. I believe that God desires each person in our city to be connected to a healthy community of faith. We would love for you to consider letting Center City Church be your community.

I truly believe this with all my heart: those that are with us in the beginning will have a perspective that no one else can fully appreciate 5, 10, 20 or 50 years from now. The beginning is always filled with ups and downs, challenges and victories. I would love for you to share all of those experiences with us.

We meet at a beautiful venue located at Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School in Uptown Charlotte (click here for directions). You can also check out more about who we are, our values, view sermons online and much more at our website.

You may have come across this letter by the most unlikely way. But please know that I wrote it to you, all of you that I have yet to meet, have met on occasion or have not seen in quite some time. You are loved. You are valued. And I would like to personally invite you to join us this Sunday at 11am.


David Docusen
Lead Pastor
Center City Church