**Proverbs 4:25-27 – Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.
I was at Central Coffee Co. last week when I came across this Scripture. Tears began to fill my eyes as I started to think about what it meant for me to “fix my eyes on what lies before me.” This is an excerpt from my journal on January 4, 2010 as I responded to this Scripture:
What is before me, God? I see you, standing in front of me, but you are always moving. Moving forward. Ever progressing and showing me the way to take new ground. The things that I can see right now include our new venue that we will move into on February 7th. I can see an amazing and healthy relationships. I can see provision all around. I can see my family. I can see my friends. I can see an amazing group to do life with. I can see a group that has been formed that you will use to start an amazing community in Uptown Charlotte and beyond.
I commit to you today, January 4th, 2010 that I will simply look straight ahead and fix my eyes on what lies before me. I will mark out a straight path for my feet. I will stay on the safe path. I won’t get sidetracked. I will keep my feet from following evil. I fix my eyes on you.
When I look ahead, all I see is you.
I pray this never changes. I want to step in step with God. Not just the way I learned things in the past. But the way that God wants me to move forward today and the days to come. There’s no road map, but I know exactly where I’m going. I will continue to fix my eyes on Christ and respond as he leads. I won’t kick open doors that are meant to be shut. I won’t close doors that make no sense in the natural. I will simply fix my eyes on Christ and respond as he leads.
When I look ahead, all I see is Christ.