Once upon a time, I could have been considered a blogger. On a daily basis, I would share the journey of preparing to launch into a new season of church planting (starting a new church from the ground up…for those not up on the lingo). I would share stories with friends, family and strangers wandering the interwebs. It was a great season.
That season lasted a few years until we started Center City Church (www.centercitychurch.net) in 2010. At that point, I became an infrequent blogger. I would share weekly stories of the life change that we were seeing in our community and funny little things that my kids say.
That season lasted about a two years. Then I became a person who had a blog. That was it. Nothing more. Nothing less. I was a has been blogger. Washed up. So much so, my domain (www.daviddocusen.com) expired and I didn’t even know it.
So…today is a new day. I’ve decided to start sharing the journey again. There is so much happening that’s worth sharing. At the very least – as a person who processes through writing – this is a great way for me to process this exciting season of life.
Blogger was good to me. But WordPress has now won my blogging affection. A new blog for a new season. Here’s to hoping I become a blogger again. I’d love to share the journey with you.