Friends and family at Center City:
Sunday at Center City Church will be a very honest day. I will be teaching on forgiveness as found in Matthew 18:21-35. It’s a two sided story of forgiveness. First, the forgiveness that Christ has shown to us. And secondly, in light of this forgiveness we have experienced, how we should extend this forgiveness to others.
This may be a very difficult day for some. I am quite aware of this. At times, our hurts can become so painful that the only thing we can control is the unforgiveness, anger and bitterness that we feel toward the one that wronged us. I am going to encourage you to let go. This doesn’t set the person who offended you free. It sets you free.
We are in this together. And we are willing to walk with you. Let’s set out on a journey to healing and freedom together. I can’t wait for the morning. The truth will be declared. And freedom will be found as we release into God’s hands all that has held us back.
I love you.
Pastor David