The dream is alive in our hearts.
There is a day coming that we will open a coffeehouse/venue in Uptown Charlotte. Street level is the coffeeshop where amazing baristas will be making delicious caffeinated beverages. Local and national artists/musicians appearing up the stairs on our second level venue that seats 200+ people.
Friendships are growing. Graphic designers are next to architects sitting underneath the same wi-fi. We tear down all the chairs to make room for the after school programs that are going on upstairs the following day. That’s followed by dance lessons, yoga, and whoever comes up with the next great idea. It’s a venue for our community, used by our community. The possibilities are endless.
That’s the dream. At least part of it. And it will come to pass. We’ve worked on this for almost three years. And now we wait for God to open the doors. It’s coming.
What else could we use a venue for in Uptown Charlotte? Maybe the next idea is yours.