My good friend William Jonathan asked me the other day what I was reading that helps me develop in life and leadership. Here is a variety of things that I like to read consistently to keep me sharp:
THE BIBLE (This helps the most. I use the New Living Translation.)
– Fast Company (business magazine on new trends in business/new ideas/business leaders)
– Relevant Magazine (God. Life. Progressive Culture.)
– Inc. (Entrepreneur magazine)
BLOGS (I subscribe to these blogs and get them via email)
– Guy Kawasaki (marketing guru)
– Seth Godin (marketing guru)
– Brad Lomenick (top dog at Catalyst)
– Mark Batterson (life and leadership)
I like to read a lot of material from the business/marketing/entrepreneurial world. I believe that many business principles and the stories of leaders in these areas can translate into life and ministry seamlessly. Hope it helps!