**Proverbs 16:9 – We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Dara and I absolutely love spending time together. Honestly, it doesn’t even matter what we do. If we are alone (we have four kids under the age of 10), we consider it a date. We find an incredible amount of joy in the simplicity of time spent together. We were wandering around our city, taking in the beauty of Uptown Charlotte a few weeks ago when Dara looked at me and said…
“You know, we have been working on this specific project for Ebenezers for over a year
(check out www.ebenezerscharlotte.com if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Lots of ups and downs. And now it looks like this contract is about to expire for the
purchase of the fire station in a few days.”
I looked at her and wondered if this was about to get very emotional. She looked straight into my eyes with peaceful resolve and said…
“But we are people that believe beyond failure.”
That statement resonated to the very core of my being. She continued…
“Even when it looks like failure from a human perspective, we still believe that
God is in control and has the best in mind for us. So we just keep
on moving forward, believing for his best.”
What do you do when you’ve worked toward something and it seems like it has fallen apart? How do you go to God when it seems like he allowed something to fail? I may not have all the answers, but I will encourage you from our perspective in this season of chasing after our dream: approach him with a heart that is full of trust. Trust that he only has your good in mind and that he knows exactly how to care for his kids.
We are people that believe beyond failure. This is true because the Kingdom of God measures successes and failures much differently than most. And that measurement can be summed up in one word: OBEDIENCE.
Pursue Jesus with a genuine heart and an ear that is tuned to hear his direction. Work hard. Make plans. And then realize that we can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. And he always has our best in mind. I trust God with all of the effort that we put into this project. I trust God in our current state of questions and limited perspective. And I trust God with the days to come. Because he is good and he perfectly knows how to give us what is best.
Keep on believing. The best is yet to come (for you and for us).
**Galatians 6:9 – So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap
a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.