I cannot overstate how incredibly talented the group is that God has surrounded Dara and I with at Center City Church. It’s so humbling to see the amazing blend of administrators, painters, graphic designers, musicians, intellectuals, leaders, etc. However, we have resisted using any of this talent to spread the news of Center City during the early days of our church. We have no website. We don’t do music at our gatherings. We have done no promotional materials for our community. None.
I feel incredibly strong about this intentional season of DNA formation. It is a natural inclination to lean on our gifts and talents to represent Center City. But that would be a misrepresentation.
I don’t want to be known as a creative church. I don’t want to be known for compassion. I don’t want to be known for our music. These are all great symptoms of the source of our lives: Jesus Christ. He is the center of Center City.
This may sound elementary, and I unashamedly agree with that observation. Christ is the source of all creativity. The genesis of all compassion. The composer of all music. All streams of our lives flow from the same source: Jesus Christ.
Each of our gatherings for the past month have focused on getting to know Jesus. It’s all we are talking about. As we lay this foundation, I believe that the addition of our God-given talent will serve to bring attention to the DNA of who is at the center of our lives: Jesus Christ.
There will come a day that we unleash the potential of creativity that is found in each one of us. We are all gifted in unique ways. Our group has a creative bent to them that forms a beautiful mosaic of God’s creation. As we continue to grow, mature and deepen in our faith, our art will reflect our maker.
I am so excited to see our reflection.