I love the need for creativity that church planting requires. Keeps us on our toes. There are so many different challenges that come up along the way both logistically (we meet in rented space) and financially.

One of the creative solutions that we came up with was our church phone number. I had purchased a “Go” phone from AT&T (the pay-as you go type of cell phone). Let’s just say that didn’t work. I hated carrying two phones.

When the new iPhone 4 released, we realized that the multi-tasking option on the phone allowed us to purchase a Skype phone line. All I have to do is keep the Skype app running in the background and the independent number rings directly to my personal phone (this can be accomplished on any multi-tasking cell phone that offers Skype).

After hours, I close the app and it goes directly to voicemail. Another added bonus is that Skype emails me a notification every time I get a voice message. Brilliant.

Props to my brother, Brandon Docusen, for the idea. It was less than $100 for the entire year. Creative and cost effective 🙂