We are six days away from realizing a dream that Dara and I have had for the last seven years. This is the same dream that is shared by so many that have given up so much to be here with us. Center City Church opens to the community this Sunday, April 4, 2010.
It comes with the territory that this will never be accomplished without a fight. Dara and I are praying hard and strong for our family, our friends and our church. We live in the tension between the fact that there are forces of good and evil. God has called us to start this church. Satan does not want that to happen. And the battle continues.
It’s been a long road, filled with victories and indescribable challenges. And we’re digging in again this week. I am comforted by the fact that the same power that conquered the grave (the power of Jesus Christ) lives in me. And in all who have asked Christ into their hearts as Savior.
We are six days away from realizing this dream. And we’re standing our ground. We are so ready to see what is to come. So excited. So confident (in Christ’s work through us).
Let’s do this.