I have enjoyed getting to know so many people in our community that are exploring their faith, considering Jesus and searching for truth with open hearts. I believe wholeheartedly that friendship is not based on your religious beliefs. Because you and I may not believe in the same things, it does not prohibit our ability to be friends. Friendship is based on respect for each other. You respect me. I respect you. Friendship.

I am writing this today to those that may be seriously considering what they have seen lately. Or maybe it is what you have felt. That drawing toward a relationship with Jesus. Here’s my perspective on this:

Jesus Christ lives in me. Through Him I am free and forgiven. If you have been exploring your faith, there is no better time than today to embrace Jesus as your Savior. You will never regret giving up your life to embrace life found in Jesus.

If this is something that you have been considering, you can invite Jesus into your heart and find this same freedom and forgiveness that I have found. It’s as simple as praying a prayer like this:

Jesus, I invite you into my heart to be my Savior.
I accept your gift of salvation and embrace forgiveness.
I place you on the throne of my heart, to rule and reign with justice and wisdom.
Be the Lord of my life. And I will be yours forever.

If you pray this prayer, I encourage you to email me or find a pastor that you trust. Get yourself plugged into a great community of faith in your city. You will never regret this decision. To those who continue to search, do me one favor: never stop searching. Your commitment to finding truth will surely find an answer one day. I believe with all my heart that answer is Jesus Christ. And I respect your continued search for truth.

You are loved.