We just ordered 150 Moleskine journals (pictured below) that we will be handing out to everyone at Center City this weekend. We are going to be reading through the Word together in 2013 as a community.
The following is a letter from our Spiritual Formation Pastor, Joseph Phillips, that will be included in each journal. Gives a great description of what we are aiming to do this coming year as we gather around the Word as a community. Read. Pray. Gather. Go.
Center City Family –
Four words sum up our desire for you at Center City Church – read, pray, gather, go.
Every person at Center City gets a free Moleskine journal. Included in this journal is a Bible reading plan. Every day there will be a selected reading for you. Read this with the knowledge that God is speaking to you. Read slowly. Before and after you’ve read, take some time and quiet your heart. Ask God to show you something about Himself and about yourself. If you miss a day’s reading, don’t beat yourself up and try furiously to catch up. Just wake up and start fresh on the new day. The goal of this is not for you to read the Bible through in a year. The goal is for you to get to know God. We have included a page in this journal that will help you practically engage the Scriptures through journaling and prayer.
Spiritual formation, the progressive transformation into Christlikeness, is not intended to be a private affair. Our entire community is reading through this plan together throughout the year. With this in mind, we have Life Groups to walk with you on the journey. These are groups of people that simply decide to gather on a weekly basis to talk about what God is showing them through the Word and wrestle with questions together.
We believe that the natural byproduct of knowing God intimately is devoting our lives to His service in His Kingdom. That means we serve our communities with the tender love of Jesus. It is in this context that we then obey the imperative of Jesus from Matthew 28 to go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus.
Read. Pray. Gather. Go.
Joseph Phillips
Spiritual Formation Pastor