I need to slow down and smell the proverbial roses.
I started to realize this week that I was feeling a ton of pressure. I was constantly racking my brain trying to figure out the next step and where Center City is supposed to go. I was feeling pressure to lead everyone in the right direction and make sure that I knew the plan A-Z so I could communicate the vision to our team.
That’s when I realized that absolutely NO ONE on our team is pressuring me. None of our financial supporters around the country are pressuring me. I started to try to figure out where this pressure was coming from and I realized something: I was pressuring myself. I was creating phantom pressure to attain measurable growth. I’m really glad that I recognized this (thanks to a great conversation with my brother, Brandon), because I really want to enjoy the early stages.
God has called us to plant Center City in a very counter-intuitive way. We are resisting the temptation to try to grow quickly. We are focusing on the foundation and taking our time to communicate our vision with our team. We are slowing down to make sure that our team knows us and we know them. We are resisting the pressure to try to blow up.
My commitment to myself today is that I’m going to slow down, enjoy the journey and get rid of the phantom pressure that I have created.