I am in a season of life that I am working toward the realization of dreams that have been in my heart for years. It’s amazing because I am seeing dreams come alive in front of my eyes every day.
All of these dreams include people. Lots of people. People I know and people I am still to meet. I don’t want to do this alone. I don’t want my family to live life alone on a self-created Docusen Island. God has blessed Dara and I with a like-minded group of people that share common dreams for their lives. We are all very different. But we are all working toward the same goals. Generosity. Compassion. Creativity. Love. Friendships. These are just some of the values that are at the core of who we are and what we hope to become.
I love doing what I do. And what I “do” is LIFE with an amazing group of people that encourage me to chase my dreams and enjoy the ride along the way.