Ever feel reluctant in your leadership or too nervous to speak up? Welcome to the company of heroes of the faith. We may remember their names now, but everyone one of them were normal folks like you and I.
Consider the story of Moses. Even though he is now regarded as one of the central figures in the Bible, he was an incredibly reluctant leader. God saw strength, character, and integrity in Moses. He knew the task ahead would be arduous, and he knew Moses could handle the heat.
However, like many of us, all Moses could see was his insecurities and inadequacies. He said, “I can’t speak well… I stutter.” God was not looking for an orator that could move hearts with a golden tongue… he was looking for someone that would trust that if raised his hands over a river, it would part and the people would be saved (Ex. 14:21).
God is not looking for perfect leaders, but hearts that trust him and seek after him with full devotion. We are encouraged by these stories of faith, and we’re exploring the Word of God together as a church family. If you want to join us, we have copies of the The Gospel Project devotionals at the Welcome Table on Sundays at Center City Church, and there is also an app for the same devotional.
We gather in homes across the community and discuss the things we are reading and explore matters of faith together. I hope you’ll join us, and I absolutely know that if you genuinely pursue Jesus, your faith will grow and you will continue to be renovated by the love of God.