One of the gifts of visionary leaders is the ability to feel things in advance. Leaders see things in advance and then figure out ways to get a group of people to that point. This is probably one of the biggest areas of growth for me since we started Center City Church.
I know where I want to us be next year. I know where I want to be in six months. But I’ve learned that just because I’m feeling something for tomorrow doesn’t mean that we will arrive there today. I have work to do today that will prepare our church family for tomorrow.
Seasons are a funny thing. I have learned (and continue to learn) that the actions of today lead to the health of tomorrow. So that’s where I find my motivation for the current season that we are in at Center City. I believe that I am putting my hands to work today on things that will be realized in the next several months.
Don’t neglect today’s work in the hopes of tomorrow’s blessings. I am grateful for so many that have spoken into my life to let me know it’s ok to have a vision for the future as long as steps are being taken today to get there in a healthy way with a firm foundation.
What are you working on today that will bring to pass what you see and feel in your heart for tomorrow?