We are trying to raise $10,000 in the final week of 2010.

I am asking that you would prayerfully consider giving an end of year offering toward the life and ministry of Center City Church. We have already seen over $3,000 miraculously given in the past three days. Would you help us reach our goal? No amount is too small and, of course, no amount is too big 🙂

Over the past 9 months, we have seen God do amazing things. People’s lives have been changed by the saving power of Jesus Christ. An incredible group of people have formed that call Center City home and faithfully serve this church and our community. Your one-time offering will help us continue to effectively spread the message of Jesus Christ to our community.

Your tax-deductible donation can be given online via PayPal (CLICK HERE) or mailed to:

401 Hawthorne Lane
Suite 110-219
Charlotte, NC 28204

Thanks for your prayerful consideration of supporting this growing and life-giving ministry in Uptown Charlotte!