I just spent the past 45 minutes of my evening on the Elevation Church website. This church has gone from 20 people to 5,000+ in just over two years. It is led by Steven Furtick who is only 28 years old. He had a dream and he chased it down. Now he’s chasing bigger dreams.
I am challenged to dream. Challenged to not be afraid. Challenged to go after what God has placed in my heart. This is what happens when I challenge myself. Listening to guys like Steven Furtick, Mark Batterson, The Catalyst Podcast, Erwin McManus, Mark Driscoll and others like them help challenge my status quo and get me firing in new directions. I love this quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes: “a mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.”
Challenge yourself today. Stretch your mind. Get uncomfortable. Never return.