Dara and I share a dream to open a full service coffeehouse/venue in Uptown Charlotte. Imagine it with us for a moment…
Enter on the street level of Uptown. An eclectic blend of the finest furniture our thrift stores have to offer. Friendly and knowledgeable baristas greet you and prepare you a perfect latte. The music is chill. The wifi is fast. The vibe is laid back and engaging.
Can you see it?
The venue upstairs is used for multiple functions throughout the week. Business meetings. Catered events. Parties. After school tutoring. Dance lessons. Yoga. Live shows. And we could turn it into a house of worship on Sunday mornings. If you can dream it up, we can host it.
I can see it.
You see, I’m not sure we ever want to build a “church building” throughout the course of our ministry. We share a common vision that anything we build to host worship services on Sundays should be able to be used by the community throughout the week. And it wouldn’t hurt running a non-profit business that can take all of the profits and give back to the community and overseas missions. Now that’s exciting!
I can feel it.
Not sure of the timing, but it’s coming. God will provide the resources and the people necessary to allow this dream to become a reality.
A coffeehouse/venue in Uptown Charlotte. That’s the dream!