You have a name. That’s a given, of course. Now think about this: the God of all creation knows your name. 

He knows everything about you. Good. Bad. Trivial. Deep. Surface. Everything. He knows the great victories and shameful defeats. He knows the public successes and the private struggles. He knows the doubts that you have about him and the questions you ask. And in spite of all of this, he is madly in love with you.

He knows your name and he calls you by name. He wants to talk to you. How can you talk to God? Start with the Word. He speaks to us through the Bible. Continue the conversation through prayer. Talk to him the same way that you would talk to a friend.

You have a name and God knows it. Don’t reduce your pursuit of faith to being involved in a church or a church community. Dig deeper, personally. You don’t need a pastor to speak to God for you. He wants to talk to you, personally.

He knows your name and he loves you.